About me

My professional life has always involved caring for others. I qualified as a registered nurse in 1984 and a registered midwife in 1988. After working in the NHS for 40 years I have gained a wealth of experience, clinically as a practising nurse and midwife and in the latter part of my NHS career as a senior manager and leader. For the last 10 years of my career, I was a Director of Midwifery at two prestigious NHS Trusts in London.
In 2020, I retired from my NHS role and started training as a Psychotherapist. I have completed 4 years of training in Transactional Analysis and I am now a contractual trainee working towards certification as a Transactional Analyst. This basically means that I am writing a 24,000 word dissertation and preparing for viva examination of my clinical skills and competencies. A very experienced supervisor is supporting me along this journey and my work with you will inform my learning and continuing professional development.
My hope is that I will go onto study a professional doctorate.